Happiness Isn’t A Destination


Happiness seems to be this elusive thing everyone is striving for. Like it’s an achievement you can obtain if you just work hard enough or reach enough standard milestones. But it’s not. Happiness can be created right now.

“Redefine happiness not as something you experience when you get what you want, but something you feel when you have something meaningful to work toward each day” - Brianna wiest

A lot of our lives look like this:

“When my pain is less, then I’ll be happy”
“When I get this treatment, then I’ll be happy”
“If I earn ___ amount of money, then I’ll be happy”
“If I go back to work, then I’ll be happy”

But then you get there, and suddenly you realize that you aren’t happy yet so you move onto the next thing that you think will finally bring you happiness.

Happiness isn’t an achievement, it’s a practice. It comes from working towards something you enjoy, love, or makes you feel alive every day.

There’s power in routine and ritual.

I cultivate happiness by waking up at the same time every day, carving out time to write in my gratitude journal and read - you guessed it! - every single day, and by working to be the best person I can be for my clients.  

Practice happiness as a state of being even in the midst of the darkest of circumstances. Suffering and happiness are not mutually exclusive. it’s possible to be both. To feel both.

You are allowed to strive for light in the dark☾


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